• KARLA CRISTINA GIACOMIN - Giacomin, K. C. - BELO HORIZONTE, MG - Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte (SMSA-PBH) - <kcgiacomin@hotmail.com>
O envelhecimento populacional modifica profundamente o escopo de atuação da saúde coletiva, altera o perfil de morbi-mortalidade e aumenta a demanda por cuidados crônicos. Na população idosa, a incapacidade serve como indicador de saúde e balizador de ações e políticas. Esta pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa fundamentada na antropologia interpretativa e na perspectiva êmica tem por objetivo é compreender a forma de pensar e agir dos idosos diante da “velhice com incapacidade” e suas relações com a saúde pública. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais no domicílio com roteiro semiestruturado junto a 57 idosos residentes na cidade, inclusive participantes da coorte de Bambuí. A metodologia de Signos, Significados e Ações orientou a coleta e análise dos dados possibilitando a investigação antropológica das representações e comportamentos concretos associados à incapacidade na velhice na cultura local. Emergiram da análise duas categorias acerca das relações entre velhice, incapacidade e cuidado na saúde pública: experiências de cuidado na velhice com incapacidade; o medo da falta de cuidados. Os resultados revelam que a saúde pública precisa rever seus conceitos sobre incapacidade na velhice e incorporar a dimensão funcional da saúde e o cuidado à velhice com incapacidade na agenda.
Population aging deeply modifies the scope of public health activities, changes the morbidity and mortality profile and increases the demand for chronic care. In the elderly population, disability serves as a health indicator and beacon of actions and policies. This qualitative research based on interpretative anthropology and emic perspective aims is to understand the way of thinking and acting of the elderly in the face of "old age with disability" and its relationship to public health. Individual interviews were held at home with semi-structured along the 57 elderly residents in the city, including participants of the Bambuí cohort. The methodology Signs, Meanings and Actions guided the data collection and analysis enabling the anthropological investigation of the representations and concrete behaviors associated with disability in old age in the local culture. Two categories emerged from the analysis of the relations between old age, disability and care in public health: care experiences in old age with disabilities; the fear of lack of care. The results indicate that the public health need to review their concepts of disability in old age and incorporate the functional dimension of health care and old age with disability in the agenda.
Population aging deeply modifies the scope of public health activities, changes the morbidity and mortality profile and increases the demand for chronic care. In the elderly population, disability serves as a health indicator and beacon of actions and policies. This qualitative research based on interpretative anthropology and emic perspective aims is to understand the way of thinking and acting of the elderly in the face of "old age with disability" and its relationship to public health. Individual interviews were held at home with semi-structured along the 57 elderly residents in the city, including participants of the Bambuí cohort. The methodology Signs, Meanings and Actions guided the data collection and analysis enabling the anthropological investigation of the representations and concrete behaviors associated with disability in old age in the local culture. Two categories emerged from the analysis of the relations between old age, disability and care in public health: care experiences in old age with disabilities; the fear of lack of care. The results indicate that the public health need to review their concepts of disability in old age and incorporate the functional dimension of health care and old age with disability in the agenda.
Giacomin, K. C., Josélia Oliveira Araújo Firmo. Velhice, incapacidade e cuidado na saúde pública. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/velhice-incapacidade-e-cuidado-na-saude-publica/15093?id=15093