0438/2018 - Vidas após a cirurgia de redesignação sexual: Sentidos produzidos para gênero e transexualidade. Lifes after the sexual reassignment surgery: Sense produced for gender and transsexuality.
O Processo Transexualizador é o principal serviço direcionado à saúde trans-específica no Brasil, o qual oferta aquisições como hormonioterapia e cirurgias de redesignação sexual à população trans. Neste artigo, analisaram-se os sentidos produzidos em torno do procedimento cirúrgico, da nova genitália, sobre gênero e transexualidade entre mulheres que realizaram cirurgia de redesignação sexual no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio de Moraes (HUCAM), localizado em Vitória, Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. Foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa com entrevistas narrativas gravadas em áudio, e realizada análise de conteúdo. Foram selecionadas 09 participantes a partir da metodologia bola de neve. Conclui-se que as cirurgias estão relacionadas à busca pela humanização dos corpos. As compreensões sobre ser mulher não se limitaram a um estatuto biológico para os gêneros. A transexualidade foi apresentada como uma experiência de transição entre os gêneros. A cirurgia de redesignação sexual foi apontada como estratégia para a construção de um corpo em consonância com a experiência das participantes nas relações sociais de gênero, cujo sucesso é avaliado sob signos de beleza, prazer e passabilidade.
Cirurgia de redesignação sexual; genitália; gênero; transexualidade; passabilidade.
The transgender\'s public heath care services are the main health care program to brazilian transgender people, which offers services such as hormontherapy and surgeries for sexual reassignment. We analyzed the signification produced around the sexual reassignment surgery, the new genitalia, the gender and transsexuality among women who underwent sex reassignment surgery at the Cassiano Antônio de Moraes University Hospital (HUCAM), located in Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Qualitative research was carried out, narrative interviews were recorded in áudio, and was performed thematic content analysis. The sample was composed by 09 participants ed by the snowball sampling. It is concluded that the surgeries are related to the search for the humanization of the bodies. The signification about being a woman were not limited to a biological status for genders. The transsexuality was presented as a transitional experience between genders. The surgery was signified as strategy of corporal correction toward expectations about social relationships in the genre living by participants, whose success is evaluated under sense of beauty, pleasure and passability.
Sexual reassignment surgery; genitals; gender; transsexuality; passability.
Lifes after the sexual reassignment surgery: Sense produced for gender and transsexuality.
Resumo (abstract):
The transgender\'s public heath care services are the main health care program to brazilian transgender people, which offers services such as hormontherapy and surgeries for sexual reassignment. We analyzed the signification produced around the sexual reassignment surgery, the new genitalia, the gender and transsexuality among women who underwent sex reassignment surgery at the Cassiano Antônio de Moraes University Hospital (HUCAM), located in Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Qualitative research was carried out, narrative interviews were recorded in áudio, and was performed thematic content analysis. The sample was composed by 09 participants ed by the snowball sampling. It is concluded that the surgeries are related to the search for the humanization of the bodies. The signification about being a woman were not limited to a biological status for genders. The transsexuality was presented as a transitional experience between genders. The surgery was signified as strategy of corporal correction toward expectations about social relationships in the genre living by participants, whose success is evaluated under sense of beauty, pleasure and passability.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Sexual reassignment surgery; genitals; gender; transsexuality; passability.
Rocon, P.C, Sodré, F., Rodrigues, A, Barros, M.E.B, Pinto, G.S.S, Roseiro, MCFB. Vidas após a cirurgia de redesignação sexual: Sentidos produzidos para gênero e transexualidade.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/out). [Citado em 10/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/vidas-apos-a-cirurgia-de-redesignacao-sexual-sentidos-produzidos-para-genero-e-transexualidade/16971?id=16971