0260/2017 - Vigilância em Saúde Mental e Trabalho no Brasil: Características, dificuldades e desafios. Work-related Mental Health Surveillance in Brazil: Characteristics, difficulties and challenges.
Este artigo aborda as dificuldades e desafios da vigilância em Saúde Mental Relacionada ao Trabalho (SMRT) no Brasil, com base em levantamento de produção bibliográfica. Busca-se, a partir da compilação da produção identificada, fomentar reflexões sobre o panorama atual em que se encontram as ações em Vigilância nesse campo, seus principais entraves e possibilidades de avanços. Efetuou-se levantamento de publicações nacionais nas bases do Scielo, Lilacs e PUBMED, de 2002 a 2017. A sistematização dos dados permitiu a sua estruturação nas seguintes temáticas: Epidemiologia da SMRT no Brasil; Políticas para a SMRT e a VISAT; Organização do Trabalho e Saúde Mental; e, Ações e Intervenções em VISAT e SMRT. As ações para Vigilância encontram-se, ainda, em estado incipiente, porém há esforços para o fortalecimento da RENAST, materializado na construção de protocolos e na promoção de encontros nacionais que visam à reflexão e a construção de um novo modelo de Vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador. Registra-se a busca por novos modelos e concepções de adoecimento mental, de redefinição do foco de atenção, de modos de intervenção com destaque para o papel ativo dos trabalhadores, protagonistas imprescindíveis ao enfrentamento dos desafios nesse campo.
Saúde do trabalhador, Saúde mental, Vigilância em saúde, Vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador.
This paper approaches the challenges and difficulties in Work-related Mental Health Surveillance (WMH) in Brazil, based on a bibliography production mapping. From the compilation of identified academic production, it seeks to foster reflections about the current landscape in which the actions of surveillance currently are and its main obstacles and possibilities of progress. A survey of national publications was carried out at Scielo, Lilacs and PUBMED databases2002 until 2017. After the systematization, it was found groups on the following themes: Epidemiology of WMH in Brazil; Policies for WMH and VISAT; Work Environment for Mental Health; and, Actions and Interventions in the VISAT and WMH. The actions of surveillance are, still, in incipient stages, however, there is an effort to strength the RENAST, materialized in the creation of protocols and promotion of national meetings which aim a reflection and a new surveillance model construction for the worker health. It was registered a search for new conception models of mental illness, the redefinition of the focus, of the intervention approaches highlighting the active role of the workers, essential players on coping the challenges in this field.
Occupational Health, Mental Health, Health Surveillance, Surveillance of the Workers Health.
Work-related Mental Health Surveillance in Brazil: Characteristics, difficulties and challenges.
Resumo (abstract):
This paper approaches the challenges and difficulties in Work-related Mental Health Surveillance (WMH) in Brazil, based on a bibliography production mapping. From the compilation of identified academic production, it seeks to foster reflections about the current landscape in which the actions of surveillance currently are and its main obstacles and possibilities of progress. A survey of national publications was carried out at Scielo, Lilacs and PUBMED databases2002 until 2017. After the systematization, it was found groups on the following themes: Epidemiology of WMH in Brazil; Policies for WMH and VISAT; Work Environment for Mental Health; and, Actions and Interventions in the VISAT and WMH. The actions of surveillance are, still, in incipient stages, however, there is an effort to strength the RENAST, materialized in the creation of protocols and promotion of national meetings which aim a reflection and a new surveillance model construction for the worker health. It was registered a search for new conception models of mental illness, the redefinition of the focus, of the intervention approaches highlighting the active role of the workers, essential players on coping the challenges in this field.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Occupational Health, Mental Health, Health Surveillance, Surveillance of the Workers Health.
Araujo, TM, Palma, TF, Araújo, NC. Vigilância em Saúde Mental e Trabalho no Brasil: Características, dificuldades e desafios.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/jul). [Citado em 15/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/vigilancia-em-saude-mental-e-trabalho-no-brasil-caracteristicas-dificuldades-e-desafios/16312?id=16312