Analisam-se quatro casos de municípios em relação a suas taxas de homicídio: dois brasileiros e dois argentinos. Em ambos os países, estudou-se uma localidade com taxas elevadas de homicídio ao longo de três anos e outra com baixas taxas, no mesmo período. Utiliza-se a abordagem teórica dos sistemas complexos que considera uma articulação entre o sistema local em suas interconexões internas, a influência do contexto externo e o acoplamento psíquico, ou seja a interpenetração entre o sistema social e as subjetividades. A análise dos pontos comuns entre os casos ocorreu a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa com observação, uso de entrevistas e grupos focais. Os resultados mostram que tanto nas localidades que concentram altas taxas de homicídio como nas que apresentam taxas baixas existe uma sinergia entre ambiente externo (políticas macrossociais e macroeconômicas), o sistema social (organização social, governo local, participação comunitária) e a subjetividade, seja na construção da solidariedade seja na desintegração social. Estudos sobre mudanças nos sistemas sociais violentos mostram que ações coordenadas e persistentes que articulam investimentos econômicos, sociais e educacionais com medidas para prevenir e coibir os homicídios historicamente apresentam impacto positivo.
homicídiocausas externasprevenção da violência
We analize four cases of towns in regards to its homicide rates: two Brazilians and two Argentinians. In both countries, a locality with high homicide rates during three years and another with low rates were studied in the same period. We use the theoretical approach of complex systems that considers a link between the local system in its internal interconnections, the influence of the external environment and the psychic engagement, namely the interpenetration between the social system and subjectivities. The emphasis of the study and the comparisons occurred from a qualitative research with observation, use of interviews and focal groups. The results show that in localities that present a high or low homicide rate, there is a synergy between external environment (macrosocial and macroeconomic politics), the social system (social organization, local government, community participation) and subjectivity, whether it is in the construction of solidarity or social desintegration. Studies about changes in the violent social systems show that persistent and coordinated actions that articulate economic, social and educational investments as measures to prevent and restrain homicides historically present a positive impact.Visão Ecossistêmica do Homicídio
We analize four cases of towns in regards to its homicide rates: two Brazilians and two Argentinians. In both countries, a locality with high homicide rates during three years and another with low rates were studied in the same period. We use the theoretical approach of complex systems that considers a link between the local system in its internal interconnections, the influence of the external environment and the psychic engagement, namely the interpenetration between the social system and subjectivities. The emphasis of the study and the comparisons occurred from a qualitative research with observation, use of interviews and focal groups. The results show that in localities that present a high or low homicide rate, there is a synergy between external environment (macrosocial and macroeconomic politics), the social system (social organization, local government, community participation) and subjectivity, whether it is in the construction of solidarity or social desintegration. Studies about changes in the violent social systems show that persistent and coordinated actions that articulate economic, social and educational investments as measures to prevent and restrain homicides historically present a positive impact.Visão Ecossistêmica do Homicídio