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0413/2023 - Desenvolvimento e validação de um Questionário (QSPC-Q) para avaliação da qualidade e fortalecimento da atenção primária no Brasil (29/12/2023)
Mozart Júlio Tabosa Sales, Paulo Sávio Angeiras de Góes, Aline Priscila Rego de Carvalho, Caio César Arruda da Silva, Amanda Carolina Félix Cavalcanti de Abreu, Carolina Thaiza Costa Pazos, Suely Arruda Vidal
Artigo / Tema Livre

A avaliação do desempenho dos serviços por meio de instrumentos é relevante, pois pode subsidiar pensamentos, ações e abordagens políticas para atender a uma necessidade social. O objetivo do artigo foi desenvolver e validar o Questionário de...

0412/2023 - Elaboration of an index to evaluate the access of elderly people to primary health care services (29/12/2023)
Katyucia Oliveira Crispim de Souza, Stephen Timmons, Lislaine Aparecida Aparecida Fracolli
Artigo / Tema Livre

This study aims to develop an index that evaluates the elderly population\'s access to primary health care services. For this, 25 indicators with potential for the index composition were ed, which were adapted for the elderly population and validated...

0411/2023 - “Escalas anticolinérgicas e sua relação com polifarmácia, cognição e perdas funcionais em idosos no Brasil” (29/12/2023)
Mônica de Souza Brito Conti, Adriana Sañudo, Luiz Roberto Ramos
Artigo / Tema Livre

Idosos têm alto consumo de medicamentos com atividade anticolinérgica (MAA), sendo mais vulneráveis a eventos adversos. Investigou-se, pelas escalas de risco anticolinérgico, a prevalência e carga de MAA nos idosos, a concordância entre as esca...

0410/2023 - Methods for evaluating the frailty syndrome in elderly people with diabetes: an integrative review (29/12/2023)
Thaysa de Aguiar Batista, Isabelle Karine Ramos de Lima, Anna Karla de Oliveira Tito Borba, Ilma Kruze Grande de Arruda
Artigo de Revisão

The present study aims to synthesize the available knowledge about the methods used to assess frailty syndrome in elderly people with diabetes in the community. This is an integrative review of the literature carried out in the LILACS, PubMed, Embase...

0409/2023 - Epidemiological profile of mortality in indigenous children under five years of age in Brazil: an integrative literature review (29/12/2023)
Greiciane Amorim da Silva, Ilce Ferreira da SIlva, Maria Fernanda de Sousa Oliveira Borges
Artigo de Revisão

Objective. Identify the epidemiological profile of mortality in Brazilian indigenous children under five years of age, through an integrative review. Methods. Articles were included that evaluated the mortality of Brazilian indigenous children under ...

0408/2023 - Barriers and facilitators to medication adherence in chronic diseases: a scoping review (29/12/2023)
Ana Maria Rosa Freato Gonçalves, Marília Silveira Almeida Campos, Lara Almeida de Menezes, Leonardo Régis Leira Pereira
Artigo de Revisão

To guide the interventions of health professionals, it is necessary to identify the reasons for non-adherence to treatment. This scope review aims to identify and discuss barriers and facilitators for adherence to pharmacotherapy in chronic diseases....

0407/2023 - Lesbian and bisexual couples experiencing dual motherhood: (dis)encounters in the provision of healthcare (29/12/2023)
Manoel Antônio dos Santos, Amanda Brandane Minari, Érika Arantes de Oliveira-Cardoso
Artigo Temático

The bond with healthcare services is a crucial dimension in facilitating the maternal journey of lesbian and bisexual women couples. This study aimed to analyze the culturally constructed meanings regarding the bond with healthcare services and profe...

0406/2023 - Experiences and strategies of people with Sickle Cell Disease in the Federal District: the biographical rupture (28/12/2023)
Jéssica Luciano da Costa, Maria Inez Montagner, Miguel Ângelo Montagner, Sandra Mara Campos Alves, Maria Celia Delduque
Artigo Temático

This is a study on sickle cell disease, a chronic illness that affects many people in Brazil. The aim was to understand and analyze how people deal with the adversities arisingthe diagnosis and the biographical rupture. The description of people\'s e...

