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0246/2023 - Multimorbidity and use of health services in the city of São Paulo: prevalence and associated factors (27/08/2023)
Ricardo Goes de Aguiar, Camila Nascimento Monteiro, Shamyr Sulyvan de Castro, Tatiane Kosimenko Ferrari Figueiredo, Moisés Goldbaum, Chester Luiz Galvão Cesar
Artigo / Tema Livre

The objective was to estimate the prevalence of multimorbidity in the city of São Paulo and to verify the factors associated with the use of health services. This is a population based cross-sectional study based on data from the Health Survey in SÃ...

0245/2023 - Caminhos e intermediações entre serviços do Sistema de Saúde e da Socioeducação (27/08/2023)
Chayanne Federhen, Sabrina Stefanello, Guilherme Souza Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, Pamela Farinhuk, Deivisson Vianna
Artigo / Tema Livre

Socio-education policy, in Brazil, is an educational and (re)socialization proposal for young people in conflict with the law. This policy also guarantees the right to health care, through the brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). This paper aims to...

0244/2023 - Temporal trend of mortalityfemale homicides perpetrated by firearms in the states of the Northeast region in the period 2000-2019 (26/08/2023)
Karina Cardoso Meira, Stefany Freire Cosme de Oliveira, Tayanana Simoes, Carinne Magnago, Rafael Tavares Jomar, Pedro Gilson da Silva, Eder Samuel Oliveira Dantas
Artigo / Tema Livre

Objective: To analyze the temporal trend of female firearm homicides in the Northeast region2000-2019. Methods: Ecological study with data on homicides by firearms in women aged 10 years or more, recorded in the Mortality Information System. Mortalit...

0243/2023 - The Mata Cavalo quilombo/Brazil and the Covid-19 syndemic: racism and the right to (r)exist in question (26/08/2023)
Kleber Gonçalves Madureira, Reni Barsaglini
Artigo Temático

Quilombola communities have felt the effects of racism deepened by covid-19, whose repercussions are amplified in contexts of racial inequalities, characterizing it as a syndemic. The term refers to the synergy of biological, economic, environmental,...

0242/2023 - Primary health care strategies in Brazil during Covid-19 pandemics: scoping review (26/08/2023)
Maritsa Carla Bortoli, Patricia Rodrigues Sanine, Bruna Carolina de Araújo, Cintia de Freitas Oliveira, Maria Izabel Sanches Costa, Taís Rodrigues Tesser
Artigo Temático

This study aimed to systematically identify and map evidence on Primary Health Care strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil while also identifying research gaps for future investigations. The study followed a protocol and analyzed the resul...

0241/2023 - Border game: on the (bio)technological production of female corporalities in Rio de Janeiro (26/08/2023)
Silvia Naidin
Artigo Temático

The article discusses the interface between gender, social classes and (bio)technologies aimed at improving body aesthetics. Dialoguing with gender studies, it investigates how these (bio)technologies act in the production of contemporary bodies and ...

0240/2023 - Work management and care in Primary Health Care during the Covid-19 pandemic in the city of São Paulo (SP) (26/08/2023)
Tatiana de Vasconcellos Anéas, Marcos Nunes de Lima, Fernanda de Jesus Ligeiro Braga, Thiago Loreto de Oliveira, Natalia Torres de Almeida Menezes, Mônica Martins de Oliveira Viana, Dario Nunes dos Santos
Artigo Temático

The municipality of São Paulo has historically been marked by the heterogeneity of implementation and the coexistence of conflicting models of SUS management and Primary Health Care (PHC). The administration by health services management contracts w...

0239/2023 - Trend in Hospitalizations for Conditions Sensitive to Primary Care in Pelotas2000 to 2021 (25/08/2023)
Douglas Nunes Stahnke, Brunna Machado Medeiros, Renata Breda Martins, Juvenal Soares Dias da Costa
Artigo / Tema Livre

Objectives: To describe the characteristics of hospitalizations for primary care sensitive conditions (HPCSC) in the municipality of Pelotas regarding occurrence by sex, age group and main causes in the period2000 to 2021. Additionally, a trend analy...

