0617/2016 - A voz dos utilizadores dos cuidados de saúde primários da região de lisboa e vale do tejo.
• Pedro Lopes Ferreira - Ferreira, Pedro Lopes - Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia - <pedrof@fe.uc.pt>Co-author(s):
• Vítor M Raposo - Raposo, Vítor M - Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia - <vraposo@fe.uc.pt>• Luis Pisco - Pisco, L - Administracao Regional de Saude de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - <luis.pisco@arslvt.min-saude.pt>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9007-8949
Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
This article was the result of a study aimed at determining the degree of user satisfaction with the care provided in the 125 Family Health Units (USF) and in some of the 127 Personalized Health Care Units (UCSP) of the Region of Lisbon and Tagus Valey (LVT).A total of 20,118 questionnaires were distributed and 16,965 received (89.0% response rate). The data collection instrument used was the Europep questionnaire, essentially measuring four dimensions: medical care, non-medical care, organization of care and quality of facilities.
65.3% of the respondents were women, the average age was 50.8 years, 35% had a maximum of 6 years of schooling, and to 5.2% this had been their first contact. There was an overall average satisfaction of 77.4%, higher than the care and attention provided by professionals.
The women had slightly lower satisfaction than the men, the same as for the young compared to the older ones. Those with less literacy were the ones that presented better satisfaction rates.
The FHUs have always more satisfaction than the UCSP, and B models with greater satisfaction than models A. Users penalize units with more than 12 MD and there was a great regional disparity.