1040/2013 - Access to first-person experience in research in Mental Health
Acesso à experiência em primeira pessoa na pesquisa em Saúde Mental


• Erotildes Maria Leal - Leal, E. M. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - <erotildesleal@macae.ufrj.br>


• Octavio Domont de Serpa Junior - Serpa Junior, O.D. - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - <domserpa@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6827-4057

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This article presents and discusses the epistemological and methodological challenges related to the empirical study of first-person experience in mental health research. Considering the field of qualitative research, the methodological principles of phenomenology and medical anthropology, in a historical and conceptual perspective, are examined. The main operative concepts of the phenomenological method applied to empirical research, as well as their two main approaches, descriptive phenomenology and psychological/transcendental phenomenology and hermeneutics or interpretive are described. The contributions of medical anthropology are worked regard to the experience of illness and its modalities narratives. Finally, considering the distinction between experience and narrative to Phenomenology of Medical Anthropology, the debate on access to experience in first person is discussed in a more specific and deeper perspective.


Experience Narrative Methodology, Phenomenology, Medical Anthropology


Access Issue in Scielo

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