0323/2016 - Acquired Brain Injury: impacts on labor activity of individuals in working age and their relatives
Lesão Encefálica Adquirida: impacto na atividade laboral de sujeitos em idade produtiva e de seus familiares


• Aline Sarturi Ponte - Ponte, Aline Sarturi - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - <alinesarturi68@gmail.com>


• Elenir Fedosse - Fedosse, E. - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Santa Maria, Departamento de Fonoaudiologia - <efedosse@gmail.com>

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado


Objective: This study correlated the impact of Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) in labor activity of individuals of working age to their quality of life (QOL) and their relatives/caregivers. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative – content analysis and quantitative, descriptively. We interviewed 48 individuals with ABI and 27 relatives/caregivers.Results: The correlation of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) - World Health Organization Quality of Life WHOQOL-BREF (52.1% men; mean age 48.7 years at the time of the injury, poor school level; 18,7% domestic) revealed that the Mental Functions compromised by the ABI interfered in the four domains of QOL; Heart Functions and Blood Pressure compromised the social domain; Cerebral injury interfered with the Psychological and Environmental domains. Concerning relatives/caregivers (77.7% women; 96.3%, primary caregivers; mean age 52.6 years, and low school level), we observed changes in the work routine and family structure (85.2%). Conclusion: The emergence of an ABI disrupts the injured individuals and their families, affecting QOL in all domains, especially in the physical, psychological and environmental domains of individuals with ABI and the physical and environmental domains of relatives/caregivers.


Quality of Life Caregivers Functioning Disability and Herlth


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Ponte, Aline Sarturi, Fedosse, E.. Acquired Brain Injury: impacts on labor activity of individuals in working age and their relatives. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Jul). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/acquired-brain-injury-impacts-on-labor-activity-of-individuals-in-working-age-and-their-relatives/15748?id=15748

