0072/2019 - Actions for strengthening resilience in adolescents.
Ações para o fortalecimento da resiliência em adolescentes.


• Laís Katharina da Paixão dos Santos - Santos, LKP - <laiskatharina@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0144-7109


• Marta Vanessa Oliveira de Souza - Souza, MVO - <mvosouza@bahiana.edu.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3355-2509
• Cláudia de Carvalho Santana - Santana, CC - <ccsantana@bahiana.edu.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1828-5529


The consolidation of practices aimed at strengthening resilience corroborates the current paradigm shift in the field of adolescent health promotion, in which the individual\'s singularity is considered, as well as his relationship with the environment. Objective: To identify protective factors involved in the process of resilience in adolescents. Method: This paper reviews indexed publications describing adolescent care models and interventions. The analysis of the texts consisted in: (01) comparing the similarities and differences between the concepts used; and (02) identify, group and compile the most cited protection factors. Results: 17 articles that work to strengthen resilience in six different practical contexts were analyzed. Based on the protection factors found, 17 guiding actions were developed for the educational health work. Conclusion: Protective factors related to \"Problem solving\", \"Subject valorization\" and \"Communication ability\" were identified in several contexts of study on adolescence. These factors are transversal aspects necessary to strengthen resilience and should be stimulated together in order to favor the healthy development of adolescents.


Protective factors; Resilience; Adolescence.


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