0301/2018 - Actors, spaces and policy network in health governance in two health regions of Legal Amazon.
Atores, espaços e rede de políticas na governança em saúde em duas regiões de saúde da Amazônia Legal.


• Angela Oliveira Casanova - Casanova, Angela Oliveira - <angelacasanova@gmail.com>


• Ligia Giovanella - Giovanella, L. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - <ligiagiovanella@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6522-545X
• Marly Marques da Cruz - Cruz, M. M. - <marlycruz12@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4061-474X
• Milena F.C.F. Ferreira - Ferreira, MFCF - <grupohmr.sespa@gmail.com>


Governance is a concept that has different hues in public policies and, in this study, is conceived as a policy networks, with actors who manage interests depending on available resources, mediated by rules and by their degree of influence.
The article analyzes the actors, spaces of articulation, norms and processes in health governance in two regions of the legal Amazon and how managers model their own social network.
It is a qualitative study with regional analysis plan, using as sources documents and interviews. An analysis matrix was formulated with adapted dimensions of conceptual models of governance and policy networks.
Results point to differentiated policy networks. In the metropolitan region, the diversity of actors was more associated with state management and capital, given the articulation capacity and available resources. In the international border region, the policy network of municipal managers integrates actors,diverse sectors in the face of territorial specificity and the articulation capacity. Regions, living territories, single technical processes, leading actors to seek partners and spaces beyond those instituted, to weave strategies more related to reality.


Governance; Regional Health Planning; Social networking; Delivery of health Care; Health public policy.


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Casanova, Angela Oliveira, Giovanella, L., Cruz, M. M., Ferreira, MFCF. Actors, spaces and policy network in health governance in two health regions of Legal Amazon.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Jun). [Citado em 19/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/actors-spaces-and-policy-network-in-health-governance-in-two-health-regions-of-legal-amazon/16834?id=16834&id=16834

