0083/2024 - Acute Viral Bronchiolitis in Brazil: Characteristics of length of stay and hospital costs
Bronquiolite Viral Aguda no Brasil: Caraterísticas de tempo de internação e gastos hospitalares


• Simone Isidoro Prado - Prado, S. I. - <simone_isidoro@ig.com.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1685-4102


• Maykon Anderson Pires de Novais - Novais, M. A. P. - <amaykon@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8069-4927


The objective of the study was to evaluate the length of stay in pediatric hospitalizations for acute viral bronchiolitis in the Brazilian Health System (SUS) and the costs of hospitalizations. This was a quantitative, observational, and ecological study, based on a retrospective and longitudinal analysis of datathe Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS; 2012-2021) using descriptive statistics and Tukey\'s paired test. Regarding the mean value of AIH/HAA Hospital Admission Authorization, among the regions, the high costs of hospitalizations are located more frequent in the Southeast region and the lowest proportion is directed to the corresponds to the North region. In the length of hospital stay among the regions, the shortest mean stay was identified in the Central West region (2.5 days) and the greatest stay in the Northeast region (3.1 days). Considering the age group of one year of life, its representativeness was 57% when compared to the age group of 1-4 years (43%). Although gaps are observed in the Health System, the management of bronchiolitis prevention in children in primary health reflects the low effectiveness of investment in the health system, impacting the increase in demands for hospital admissions.


Acute Viral Bronchiolitis, Health Information Systems, Hospitalization, Hospital Costs, Unified Health System.


Acute Viral Bronchiolitis in Brazil: Characteristics of length of stay and hospital costs

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Prado, S. I., Novais, M. A. P.. Acute Viral Bronchiolitis in Brazil: Characteristics of length of stay and hospital costs. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/Mar). [Citado em 27/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/acute-viral-bronchiolitis-in-brazil-characteristics-of-length-of-stay-and-hospital-costs/19131?id=19131&id=19131

