0137/2018 - Aging in brazil: Building a healthcare model.
Envelhecer no brasil: A construção de um modelo de cuidado.


• Renato P. Veras - Veras, RP - <unativeras@gmail.com>


• Martha Oliveira - Oliveira, Martha - <martha.oliveira@ans.gov.br>


The article discusses the development of a health care model for the elderly, seeking to collaborate with the discussion about the aging of the population brought by the new epidemiological and demographic reality. Considering that the aging process in Brazil is relatively recent, more relevant social movements have been described in the construction of health policies directed towards the elderly. After the descriptive phase of the milestones, the model of care considered more appropriate to the best care with the elderly was presented. Based on a critical analysis of health care models for the elderly, the article proposes a care line for this age group, focusing on health promotion and prevention, in order to avoid overload of the health system. Integrated care models aim to solve the problem of fragmented and poorly coordinated care in current health systems. The more the healthcare professional knows the history of his patient, the better the results; thus should be the contemporary and resolutive models of care recommended by the most important national and international health agencies. A higher quality, more resolutive and cost-effective care model is the concern of this text.


health policies for the elderly; human aging; elderly; prevention of diseases; care line.


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