0263/2019 - Alternatives to contribute to reducing obstetric violence.
Alternativas que contribuem para a redução da violência obstétrica.


• Gabriela Moreno Marques - Marques, GM - <gabii_moreno@hotmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9296-7574


• Diego Zapelini do Nascimento - Nascimento, DZ - <diegozapnasc@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7323-185X


The study by Lansky et al. evaluates the influence of the Senses of Birth exhibition in pregnant women childbirth experience, aiming to identify the knowledge of pregnant women about obstetric violence. This theme is pertinent in view of the various alternatives and policies that have been adopted in Brazil and worldwide to reduce obstetric violence. These alternatives are focused on humanizing maternal and child health care so that there is hope for a new scenario, and this can be seen in the Senses of Birth exhibition which encourages the appreciation of normal childbirth for the reduction of elective cesarean section, but also in the Adequate Childbirth Project and in the Project Apice On. In addition, actions to improve attention to the mother-baby binomial and the creation and validation of specific instruments that adequately measure expectant mothers\' expectations are other alternatives that complement this care with the pregnant woman, and need to be adopted worldwide. The creation of these instruments allows the knowledge of the pregnant woman\'s feelings regarding childbirth and birth, which will have a direct impact on the pregnant woman\'s satisfaction; therefore, they are means of assisting health professionals in reducing obstetric violence.


Primary health care, Patient care team, Parturition, Maternal and child health, Public health.


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