0026/2018 - Ampliation of health access in the more vulnereable region in the São Paulo state: Is it a reflex of “Programa Mais médicos?
Ampliação do acesso à saúde na região mais vulnerável do Estado de São Paulo: Reflexo do Programa Mais Médicos?


• Bruna Pontes da Silva - Silva, BP - <bru.pontes@hotmail.com>


• Denise Stockmann - Stockmann, Denise - <stockmann@hotmail.com>
• Donavan de Souza Lúcio - Lúcio, Donavan de Souza - <donavanlucio@gmail.com>
• Elaine Henna - Henna, Elaine - <elhenna@usp.br>
• Maria Carolina Pereira da Rocha - Rocha, MCP - <mcarolrocha@hotmail.com>
• Fabio Miranda Junqueira - Junqueira, Fabio Miranda - <fjunqueira@pucsp.br>


The Project More Physicians (PMM) aims to expand the access to health providing physicians, investments in health units structuring, integration for family health care. The Vale do Ribeira contains 25 cities; it is the most vulnerable region of the Sao Paulo, and received 41 physiciansPMM. The aim of this study is to evaluate the health access, comparing health indicators, markers and health situation before and after the PMMB implantation. We collected the dataDATASUS, SIAB, and Health Ministry, and we analyzed it with the Wilcoxon signed-rank and Friedman tests. There was a significant increase in number of attendance in children up to one year, adults, seniors, STD/HIV, and patient group attendance. There were decreases in attendance out of their contingence area, hospitalizations by other causes, and exclusive breastfeeding until four months old. We can conclude that after the PMMB implantation, there were increases in health access and health promotion focused on territory, a big challenge to Health Primary Attention (HPA). It presupposes that for it is a high vulnerability and assistance pressure area, the hospitalizations with causes sensible to HPA, as well as the use of secondary services had not decreased.


Family Practice, Health Service Accessibility, Social Vulnerability, Primary Health Care.


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Silva, BP, Stockmann, Denise, Lúcio, Donavan de Souza, Henna, Elaine, Rocha, MCP, Junqueira, Fabio Miranda. Ampliation of health access in the more vulnereable region in the São Paulo state: Is it a reflex of “Programa Mais médicos?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Jan). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/ampliation-of-health-access-in-the-more-vulnereable-region-in-the-sao-paulo-state-is-it-a-reflex-of-programa-mais-medicos/16559?id=16559

