0400/2023 - Analysis of the spatial distribution of the School Health Programthe perspective of the equity principle
Análise da distribuição espacial do Programa Saúde na Escola sob a perspectiva do princípio de equidade


• Edilton Rodrigues Santos - Santos, E. R. - <profbio.rodrigues@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9699-2141


• Marilya Nascimento - Nascimento, M. - <fragamarilya@gmail.com>
• AFONSO ABREU MENDES JUNIOR - MENDES JUNIOR, A. A. - <afonsopadrone@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3867-046X
• Thiago Von-Grapp Monteiro - Monteiro, T. V. G. - <thiago.vongrapp@gmail.com>
• Renata Lopes de Siqueira - de Siqueira, R. L. - <renata.educacao@academico.ufs.br>


It is of fundamental importance that the Basic Health Units (UBS) are distributed equally in relation to educational institutions to increase the possibility of greater effectiveness of the actions of the PSE. The objective of the study was to outline a spatial overview of the implementation of the program in Sergipe, observing the acceptance of the principle of distributive equity of actions. This is a cross-sectional study in which the municipalities that joined the PSE were surveyed; mapping of UBS and public schools was elaborated, observing the occurrence of equity in their distribution via geolocation; and the mean and median distances between health and education equipment were estimated. The results revealed that 1436 (84.52%) public schools were PSE participants. The mapping and estimation of distance indicated evidence of inequitable actions in schools located in rural areas and peripheral areas of urban regions. In addition, failures were detected in the geolocation information of the UBS throughout the state, which can contribute to non-resolutive decision-making, due to the unrealistic view of the distribution of the UBS.


Spatial Analysis; Equity; Health Promotion; Health Policy; School Health Services;


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Santos, E. R., Nascimento, M., MENDES JUNIOR, A. A., Monteiro, T. V. G., de Siqueira, R. L.. Analysis of the spatial distribution of the School Health Programthe perspective of the equity principle. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/Dec). [Citado em 24/02/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/analysis-of-the-spatial-distribution-of-the-school-health-programthe-perspective-of-the-equity-principle/19026?id=19026&id=19026

