0710/2009 - Aplicabilidad del análisis por causa múltiple de muerte para el cáncer cervicouterino: La experiencia en México (reapresentação)
Aplicabilidad da análise por causa múltipla de morte para do cancro cervicouterino. A experiencia no México
• Lilia Patricia Bustamante Montes - Bustamante-Montes L.P. - Toluca, México - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México - <patriciiab@yahoo.com.mx>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
Objective. The study explores the applicability of the multiple-cause-of-death analysis for cervical-uterine cancer.Methods. A proportional mortality hazard design and the analysis of all causes of death due to cervical-uterine cancer from 367 death certificates of women older than 18 years of age from the State of Mexico, and 515 age and year adjusted sample of death certificates of women from the same region who died from other causes.
Results. A basic multiple cause of death of 2.9 was observed in the death certificates, i.e., for every basic cause there were 2.9 multiple causes. When adjusting the multiple-causes-of-death analysis for cervical-uterine cancer by age, education, marital and insurability status, the most contributing and associated causes of death were malignant tumors from unspecified sites [OR=18.98 (2.28-157.56) and OR=14.25 (1.67-121.0)] respectively; Diabetes Mellitus as a contributing [OR=1.82 (1.02-3.27) and associated cause [OR=7.78 (1.46-41.37], and systemic arterial hypertension as an associated cause [OR=3.00 (1.40-6.47)].
Conclusions. The multiple-cause-of-death analysis is an adequate to observe the diseases that contribute condition and are associated to the cervical-uterine cancer.
Keywords: Mortality; Cervical-uterine cancer, Multiple cause-of-death analysis.