1320/2013 - “Are these security measures infinite or do they have expiration date?”: interlocution and challenges between law and psychology in the Psychosocial Section of the Criminal Executions Court of the Federal District Court of Justice
“Essa medida de segurança é infinita ou tem prazo de vencimento?”: interlocuções e desafios entre o direito e a psicologia na Seção Psicossocial da Vara de Execuções Penais do Tribunal de Justi&ccedi


• Érica Quinaglia Silva - Quinaglia Silva, E. - DF, Brasília - Universidade de Brasília - <equinaglia@yahoo.com.br> +


• Caroline Quinaglia Araújo Costa Silva Brandi - Brandi, C. Q. A. C. S - Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e Territórios - <cquinaglia@hotmail.com>

Thematic Area:

Saúde Mental


The Psychosocial Section of the Criminal Executions Court of the Federal District Court of Justice assists people who serve security measures, a juridical sentence that defines them as sick and criminals. Sent to the juridical context, there are two paths to be followed by them: an ambulatory treatment and an internment. In these routes, requirements, such as tests to verify the cessation of danger, duration of imprisonment and existence of a relative that could shelter them, are observed to allow a favorable decision to a separation of justice. This is a third possible path. Through the analysis of an emblematic case, this article aims to inquire about the discipline inflicted on these people. The intention is, therefore, to give voice to the unimputable and/or the semi-imputable, people who are considered wholly or partially unable to respond to the illicit nature of the act they have committed, according to the Brazilian Criminal Code. The interlocution and the challenges between law and psychology in the Psychosocial Section of the Criminal Executions Court of the Federal District Court of Justice emerge as a possibility of building another discourse by them, a speech that seeks an acquisition of autonomy and responsibility.


mental health law psychology security measures


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Quinaglia Silva, E., Brandi, C. Q. A. C. S. “Are these security measures infinite or do they have expiration date?”: interlocution and challenges between law and psychology in the Psychosocial Section of the Criminal Executions Court of the Federal District Court of Justice. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/Nov). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/are-these-security-measures-infinite-or-do-they-have-expiration-date-interlocution-and-challenges-between-law-and-psychology-in-the-psychosocial-section-of-the-criminal-executions-court-of-the-federal-district-court-of-justice/14854?id=14854

