0415/2017 - Associated factors with early introduction of ultraprocessed foods in feeding of children under two years old.
Fatores associados à introdução precoce de alimentos ultraprocessados na alimentação de crianças menores de dois anos.


• Juliana Mariante Giesta - Giesta, JM - <jugiesta@gmail.com>


• Ester Zoche - Zoche, E - <esterzoche@gmail.com>
• Rafaela Silveira Corrêa - Corrêa, Rafaela Silveira - <rafaeladscorrea@gmail.com>
• Vera Lúcia Bosa - BOSA, V.L. - <vlbosa.nut@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6283-9640


Objective: To verify the association of maternal and anthropometric factors with consumption of ultraprocessed foods in children between 4 to 24 months. Methods: cross-sectional study with 300 children hospitalized in a tertiary hospital and your mothers. The interview took place during the first 72 hours of hospitalization to avoid interference in the responses about the child\'s diet. Maternal factors investigated: age, schooling, income, parity, BMI and guidance on complementary feeding. Variables related to the child investigated: age, breastfeeding, infant school, BMI/age, height/age, weight/age and introduction of ultraprocessed food. The association between the factors studied and introduction of ultraprocessed food was tested by linear regression. The significance level considered was 0.05. Results:. It was verified that only 21% of the children had not yet received any type of ultraprocessed food, and 56.5% received any of these foods before 6 months. In the multivariate analysis, maternal schooling, family income, maternal age and parity were associated with ultraprocessed food supply. Conclusions: The feeding practices of children between 4 and 24 months are inadequate when compared to the recommendations for the age group.


food consumption, fast foods, snacks, infant nutrition.


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Giesta, JM, Zoche, E, Corrêa, Rafaela Silveira, BOSA, V.L.. Associated factors with early introduction of ultraprocessed foods in feeding of children under two years old.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/Oct). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/associated-factors-with-early-introduction-of-ultraprocessed-foods-in-feeding-of-children-under-two-years-old/16467?id=16467

