0048/2019 - Association between ultra-processed foods consumption and lipids parameters in adolescents.
Associação entre o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados e parâmetros lipídicos em adolescentes.


• Laurineide Rocha Lima - Lima, LR - <laurineidelima@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0908-6210


• Larisse Monteles Nascimento - Nascimento, LM - <monteles_larisse@hotmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7678-2107
• Keila Rejane Oliveira Gomes - Gomes, K.R.O. - <keila@ufpi.edu.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9261-8665
• Maria do Carmo Carvalho Martins - Martins, MCC - <carminhamartins@ufpi.edu.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9107-2485
• Malvina Thais Pacheco Rodrigues - Rodrigues, M.T. P. - <malvina@ufpi.edu.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5501-0669
• Karoline de Macêdo Gonçalves Frota - Frota, K.M.G - <karolfrota@ufpi.edu.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9202-5672


This study was intended to analyze the association between ultra-processed foods (UPF) consumption and lipid parameters. It is a cross-sectional study performed with high school adolescents. Food consumption was analyzed by means of a 24-hour food recall form, UPF were identified in line with the NOVA system of food classification. The total cholesterol levels, HDL-c and triglycerides, were determined by the colorimetric enzymatic method and the estimated LDL-c fraction by formula. The Student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney was used to compare averages, and the linear regression to make associations among variables. The results show that UPF consumption was more frequent in adolescents female sex aged between 17 and 19 years, with a family income higher than two minimum wages andprivate schools. We can note that individuals in the highest tercile of UPF consumption showed higher energetic, carbohydrate and sodium intake, with a lower intake of proteins and fibers. Moreover, we observed that the higher UPF intake was negatively associated with HDL-c levels and positively associated with triglyceride levels and dyslipidemia. Therefore, UPF favors a worsening of the nutritional profile of the diet and also contributes to negative changes in the lipid parameters of young individuals.


industrialized foods, dyslipidemia, food consumption, adolescents.


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Lima, LR, Nascimento, LM, Gomes, K.R.O., Martins, MCC, Rodrigues, M.T. P., Frota, K.M.G. Association between ultra-processed foods consumption and lipids parameters in adolescents.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/Mar). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/association-between-ultraprocessed-foods-consumption-and-lipids-parameters-in-adolescents/17122?id=17122&id=17122

