0192/2024 - Avaliação do vínculo longitudinal com o usuário e sua relação com a residência em medicina de família e comunidade em uma área do município do Rio De Janeiro


• Érica Paiva de Barros Bastos - Bastos, E. P. B - <ericapbb@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-3162-4575


• Luiz Felipe Pinto - Pinto, L.F. - <felipepinto.rio@medicina.ufrj.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9888-606X


Primary Health Care (PHC) in Brazil has strengthened in recent decades, thus increasing the demand for workers in the area. Using a cross-sectional design (n=492) we aimed to evaluate the longitudinal bond of adult users and its relation with the Family and Community Medicine Residency Program (PRMFC) in an area of Rio de Janeiro municipalitythe perspective of adult users. To this end, we used the reduced version of the Primary Care Assessment Tool questionnaire combined with the extended version of the “longitudinality” attribute. The research was conducted in two Family Clinics, one participating in the PRMFC for over 10 years and the other non-participating. The overall APS score for the entire study population was 5.63 [4.56; 5.80]. Comparatively, the performance in the Family Clinic with PRMFC was superior (6.32 [6.12; 6.53]) to the one without the program (4.94 [4.70; 5. 19]). Regarding longitudinality, the former also obtained a higher score (7.02 [6.81; 7.23]) compared to the latter (5.43 [5.17; 5.68]). The results of this study suggest to managers that the PRMFC can be a useful tool for improving the quality of services through the qualification of Family Physicians and, thus, requires investments in the area.


primary health care; continuity of patient care; health assessment; Rio de Janeiro.


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Bastos, E. P. B, Pinto, L.F.. Avaliação do vínculo longitudinal com o usuário e sua relação com a residência em medicina de família e comunidade em uma área do município do Rio De Janeiro. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/May). [Citado em 28/02/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/avaliacao-do-vinculo-longitudinal-com-o-usuario-e-sua-relacao-com-a-residencia-em-medicina-de-familia-e-comunidade-em-uma-area-do-municipio-do-rio-de-janeiro/19240?id=19240

