0424/2017 - Barriers to patient safety incident reporting by healthcare workers: Integrative review.
Motivos para a não notificação de incidentes de segurança do paciente por profissionais de saúde: Revisão integrativa.


• Michelle de Fatima Tavares Alves - Alves, MFT - <michellefatma@hotmail.com>


• Denise Siqueira de Carvalho - CARVALHO, D.S. - <denisecarvalho@ufpr.br>
• Guilherme Souza Cavalcanti de Albuquerque - ALBUQUERQUE, G S C - Curitiba, PR - <guilherme.albuquerque.ufpr@gmail.com>


A integrative review was performed aiming to identify barriers to patient safety incident reporting by the healthcare workers, through national publications. A search in Pubmed, Portal da Biblioteca Virtual da Saude, Web of Science was performed in January 2017, limited to articles published in the last ten years, returning 1007 publications. After screening of titles and abstracts, eight articles meeting the inclusion criteria were included. Five articles were qualitative research, and three quantitative. All articles included exclusively nursing professionals, and 75% were carried in the southeast of Brazil. The majority of the studies showed a under-reporting of incidents, and the main barriers were: fear about reporting, reporting exclusive of severe incidents, lack of knowledge about the need to notify or mechanisms for reporting, or reporting role exclusive of registered nurses. Altough the process of incident reporting in Brazil is in the early stages and evolving, this review found important flaws in the process and barriers reported by healthcare professional leading to under-reporting. This reveals a need for reporting incentives and the elimination of barriers in the process to improve patient safety.


patient safety; adverse event; reporting; risk management


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Alves, MFT, CARVALHO, D.S., ALBUQUERQUE, G S C. Barriers to patient safety incident reporting by healthcare workers: Integrative review.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/Oct). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/barriers-to-patient-safety-incident-reporting-by-healthcare-workers-integrative-review/16476?id=16476&id=16476

