0047/2012 - Bioethical perspective of health cooperation
Cooperação em saúde na perspectiva bioética


• José Paranaguá de Santana - Santana, J.P. - Brasilia, DF - Doutorando do Programa de PG em Ciências da Saúde na área de concentração em Bioética da Universidade de Brasília, Coordenador do Núcleo de Estudos sobre Bioética e Diplomacia em Saúde (Fiocruz/UnB/Opas-TC41), Brasil. - <jparanagua@hotmail.com>


• Volnei Garrafa - Garrafa, V. - Professor Titular, Coordenador da Cátedra UNESCO e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética da Universidade de Brasília, Brasil. Membro do International Bioethics Committee da UNESCO. - <garrafavolnei@gmail.com, volnei@unb.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4656-2485

Thematic Area:

Políticas em Saúde


The study considers the scenario of international relations in the transition to the twenty-first century as a backdrop for reflection on the bioethical perspective of international health cooperation. It presents an exploratory analysis of the scientific discipline of bioethics at the confluence of public health in the international context, revealing that the focus of public health and bioethics, or even the links between these two themes, has a scant approach from the standpoint of relations or diplomatic agreements between countries. It describes the methodology used to select publications cataloged in this interdisciplinary area from two bibliographic sources available on the web (93 articles in the BVS / BIREME and 161 in PubMed), pointing out difficulties in the recovery of this literature. It advocates the potential epistemological mindset that flourished in Latin America under the name of Intervention Bioethics in addressing the challenges that confront the international cooperation system, identified as reference for analysis of South-South cooperation in health. It concludes by proposing a systematization and depthening of knowledge at the intersection of bioethics, public health and diplomacy, whose projection in the political and institutional field will contribute to reducing inequalities in health conditions among nations.


Bioethics Health diplomacy International health Technical cooperation International cooperation


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