0852/2007 - BREAST-FEEDING IN PRETERM BABIES: speech-language and audiology professionals performance based on education for health promotion concepts
ALEITAMENTO MATERNO EM PREMATUROS: atuação fonoaudiológica baseada nos pressupostos da educação para promoção da saúde
• Maria da Conceição Carneiro Pessoa de Santana - Pessoa-Santana M.C.C. - Maternidade Escola Santa Mônica, Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde do Estado de Alagoas - UNCISAL - <cpessoafono@yahoo.com.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
This paper reports an experience of a speech-language and audiology (SLP) team performance based on health promotion and education to contribute for the maintainance of exclusive breastfeeding in premature newborns in a high-risk reference maternity. In the process, multiprofessional group and individual strategies were combined, producing dialogic settings along with puerperals and their families. Exclusive breastfeeding increased comparing with the last three years before these approach and greater participation of the team and relatives involved in these activities since the pregnant admission until discharge. The analisys of the strategies used allowed the team to identify the most effective actions to improve longer lasting exclusive breastfeeding and those that ought to be reformulated by the team. From a theoretical and methodological point of view, this experience also allowed to observe the limits and possibilities of the actions that are related to closer areas of scientific knowledge and the effective promotion of exclusive breastfeeding in transdisciplinary activities. Considering health promotion and education as a discipline, means that the efforts are highly directed to act on the people knowledge and self-care, mainly to contribute to the development of critical judgment and ability to decide about what would be better and possible in the health care and management of their own lives.KEYWORDS: Breastfeeding, Premature, Health Education, Health Promotion, Disease Prevention.