0684/2008 - Burnout amongst Family Health doctors: work transformation challenge
Burnout entre médicos da Saúde da Família: os desafios da transformação do trabalho
• Katia Virginia de Oliveira Feliciano - Feliciano, K.V.O - Recife, Pernambuco - Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira - <katia.feliciano@imip.org.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
Objective: To understand how the conflict with the institution and disagreements concerning team members’ attributions are apprehended and rebuilt by the Family Health doctors, by using the burnout perspective. Methods: Qualitative research carried out in Recife, between August 2005 and November 2006, with 24 doctors. Based on management evaluation (geographic access, conflicts in the team, amongst teams and the District, between the team and the community and public violence in the area), in each one of the six Health Districts four teams were selected. Semi-structured interviews were carried out. Results: The doctors revealed enormous discrepancy between their expectancies and reality of work. They reject the institutional consultation priority and demand for productivity. They suffer from professional identity loss: Nurses attributions question their practice’s historic core – disease’s diagnostic and treatment. There is discredit concerning the changes and the wish of giving up, mainly amongst those with greater expectancies concerning the model conversion. Conclusions: A broad set of work context elements which favours exhaustion and simultaneous professional inefficiency and provokes negative attitudes was recorded, reinforcing the need of health promotion in the work.Key-words: Burnout, Professional Wear, Primary Care Doctors, Family Health