1514/2013 - Capacity for what? What do health counselors think in the Southeast
Capacitação para quê? O que pensam Conselheiros de Saúde da Região Sudeste


• Claudia Jurberg - Jurberg, C. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - <cjurberg@bioqmed.ufrj.br>


• Eloy Macchiute de Oliveira - Oliveira, E.M. - Datasus - <eloy@datasus.gov.br>
• Eloiza da Silva Gomes de Oliveira - Oliveira, E.S.G - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - <eloizagomes@hotmail.com>

Thematic Area:

Informação e Comunicação em Saúde


Community of Practice (CoP) is a recent term that applies to individuals who share a common goal that can range from a specific theme, a problem or a passion, that learning together and the feeling of belonging to the differentials of this theory can reflect positively on the acquisition of knowledge as a participatory process. This article seeks to ascertain the relevance of building a community of practice for health counselors within the policy of the Brazilian Health System (SUS) to enhance popular participation. In this direction, we investigated the views of 108 health counselors in the Southeast of the country with Internet access. What is their view of the structure and training within the Health Councils? And what they believe is important to improve its performance within the Council?


Health Counselors Capacity Community of Practice


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Jurberg, C., Oliveira, E.M., Oliveira, E.S.G. Capacity for what? What do health counselors think in the Southeast. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/Dec). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/capacity-for-what-what-do-health-counselors-think-in-the-southeast/14919?id=14919

