0340/2019 - Carneiro, Fernando Ferreira; Pessoa, Vanira Matos; Teixeira, Ana Claudia de Araújo Organizers. Countryside, forest and waters: network practices and knowledge / Brasília: University of Brasilia Publisher.
Carneiro, Fernando Ferreira; Pessoa, Vanira Matos; Teixeira, Ana Claudia de Araújo Organizadores. Campo, floresta e águas: práticas e saberes em rede/Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília, 2017. 464p. ISBN 978-85-230-1204-5.


• Eucilene Alves Santana - Santana, E.A - <eucilene.alvessantana@gmail.com>
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8745-6216


• Helen Gurgel - Gurgel, H - <helengurgel@unb.br>
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4250-6742


The book brings together the life experiences, reflections, and knowledge of the field, forest, and water communities. It focuses on their health problems and their way of life while also considering the reciprocal relationships between men and the moral, social, and economic environment in the territory they live in. It also highlights the applicability of the ecology of knowledge, also known as “Epistemologies of the South,” which values other knowledge produced through the promotion of dialogue aiming at a democratic construction of knowledge. We recommend this book as a complementary reading for students in the areas of humanities, health, and environmental sciences. We also propose it as mandatory reading in subjects involving some of the following themes: health, environment, territory, and public policies, since it promotes discussions on the relationships between these themes and provides a holistic view of the vulnerability of these communities. We also consider it a compulsory reading in training aimed at health, environmental and social, and manager due to the impact of the information on the decision-making process when implementing actions and services that are in agreement with the public policies.


sustainable health; vulnerability


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Santana, E.A, Gurgel, H. Carneiro, Fernando Ferreira; Pessoa, Vanira Matos; Teixeira, Ana Claudia de Araújo Organizers. Countryside, forest and waters: network practices and knowledge / Brasília: University of Brasilia Publisher.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/Nov). [Citado em 27/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/carneiro-fernando-ferreira-pessoa-vanira-matos-teixeira-ana-claudia-de-araujo-organizers-countryside-forest-and-waters-network-practices-and-knowledge-brasilia-university-of-brasilia-publisher/17414

