0089/2016 - Children and adults users’ evaluation regarding the degree of orientation to primary health care in the city of Rio de Janeiro
Avaliação dos usuários crianças e adultos quanto ao grau de orientação para Atenção Primária à Saúde na cidade do Rio de Janeiro
• Erno Harzheim - Harzheim, E - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , Faculdade de Medicina - <erno@saude.gov.br>ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8919-7916
• Daniel Soranz - Soranz, D. - Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, Secretário Municipal de Saúde da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BR - <danielsoranz@fiocruz.br>ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7224-5854
• Lisiane Hauser - Hauser, Lisiane - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Faculdade de Medicina - <lisiane.hauser@gmail.com>
• Luiz Felipe Pinto - Pinto, Luiz Felipe - UFRJ, DMFC / Faculdade de Medicina - <felipepinto.rio@gmail.com>
Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
In the 1st half of 2014, 6,675 adult users and family caregivers of children using the Primary Care Services Health Care (PHC) in Rio de Janeiro were interviewed through the APS Assessment Tool, Primary Care Assessment Tool, the PCATool-Brazil. The goal was to have a rigorous panorama through the actual experience of users, the degree of extension of the essential attributes of APS and derivatives for all Planning Areas (PA) of the Municipal Health Secretariat (SMS). The study was a cross-sectional design, with independent random samples of users (children and adults) of the services, and the results measured by the APS attributes of scores.The units type A - Municipal Health Centers and Family Clinics that have only the Family Health Teams - achieved superior performance when compared to units type B in assessing adults and children using the APS services. The scores of the attributes " access - first contact / accessibility", "comprehensive care - services", " community-oriented "and" family-oriented" still need to get better performance. On the other hand, the "coordination of care" and "longitudinality" are in quality trajectory, because invariably obtained scores close to or above 6.0.