0312/2016 - Circumstances and consequences of care: Characterization of family caregiver in palliative care.
Circunstâncias e consequências do cuidar: Caracterização do cuidador familiar em cuidados paliativos


• Mayra Delalibera - Delalibera, M. - São João do Estoril, Outro País/Another Country - Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada - ISPA - <mayrarmani@yahoo.com.br>


• António Barbosa - Barbosa, A. - Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina - <cbioetica@fm.ul.pt>
• Isabel Leal - Leal, Isabel - Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada - ISPA - <ileal@ispa.pt>

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Ciências Sociais


Family caregivers have an important role in advanced disease patient care. The goal of this study was to characterize the family caregiver in palliative care, evaluating the circumstances and consequences of care and preparation for the loss of loved one. This is a quantitative, prospective and longitudinal study. The sample consisted of 60 family caregivers, mostly women, married with an average age of 44,53 years. Most caregivers cohabiting with the patient, and they spend the most part of their day caring of the patient and a significant part quit their jobs or reduced working hours to be with the patient. The most burden caregivers also showed higher levels of anxiety, depression, somatization and less social support. The most dysfunctional family caregivers reported little social support and those caregivers who were less prepared for the death of the patient showed more symptoms of peritraumatic dissociative experience. Most caregivers were aware of the severity of illness of their family and the proximity of death, and considered that the patient was very taken care in the palliative care service.


caregiverpalliative careburdensocial support


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Delalibera, M., Barbosa, A., Leal, Isabel. Circumstances and consequences of care: Characterization of family caregiver in palliative care.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Jul). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/circumstances-and-consequences-of-care-characterization-of-family-caregiver-in-palliative-care/15737?id=15737&id=15737

