0726/2007 - Construtivist evaluation, under an integrating and intersetorial approach, actions of the disque idoso project in sobral-Ceará-Brazil
Avaliação construtivista, sob uma abordagem integradora e intersetorial, das ações do projeto disque idoso em Sobral-Ceará


• CIBELLY ALINY SIQUEIRA LIMA FREITAS 1 - Freitas, C.A.S.L. - Universidade Estadual do Vale do Acaraú - <cibellyaliny@yahoo.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado


The population aging in Brazil and in the world is reason for epidemic inquietude. So, the violence made against the senior has been considered a problem of public health. That study takes as context the health need of seniors that suffer violence, aiming to evaluate as a constructivist way the Disque Idoso Project in Sobral-Ceará-Brazil. We used Furtado’s Constructivist Method of Evaluation, which provides practices of participative evaluation. Trying to reach such perspective, we guided ourselves by the roads of an integrating approach and intersetorial. We accomplished the focal groups with representatives of the sections of health, social assistance and justice and senior, the benefited by the Project as well as others that contribute to its development. When interacting with the professionals that act in the project headquarters we understood that there is fear in publishing their work, because there is not structure to enlarge the attendance. The group believes that the efficiency of its actions is limited due to the lack of transport and other professionals. For the professionals of the support social net, the project should look for intersetorial performance, once it intends to reach good attendance. For the seniors the Project is quite valid and needs to be consolidated in the district.

Descriptors: Old violence, Constructivist of Evaluation, intersetorial.


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Freitas, C.A.S.L.. Construtivist evaluation, under an integrating and intersetorial approach, actions of the disque idoso project in sobral-Ceará-Brazil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2008/Mar). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/construtivist-evaluation-under-an-integrating-and-intersetorial-approach-actions-of-the-disque-idoso-project-in-sobralcearabrazil/1885?id=1885&id=1885

