0189/2018 - Corrected cancer mortality rates for the elderly in the states of the Brazilian Northeast.
Taxas de mortalidade por câncer corrigidas para os idosos dos estados do Nordeste Brasileiro.


• João Batista Carvalho - Carvalho, JB - <joaouaest@gmail.com>


• Neir Antunes Paes - Paes NA - <neirantunespaes@ig.com.br>


Estimates of the real magnitudes of mortality in the Northeastern faced important obstacles due to underreporting and problems in the quality of information on basic death causes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the redistribution of deaths corrected by Active Search and Garbage codes on the mortality rates of the major cancers in the elderly in the states of the Northeast. The Ledermann method was used to redistribute the deaths. The number of deaths before and after the correction showed an expressive variation, especially on breast cancer whose variation was 53.5%. With corrected data, the elderly aged 80 years or older had a prostate cancer death rate which was 18 times higher than those aged 60-64 years. Higher levels of prostate cancer deaths for men, and breast cancer for women were observed in all Northeastern states. Tracheal, bronchial, lung cancer, and stomach cancer resulted in distinct levels of distribution according to the sex, with higher rates in men than in women. Correction of death data presented significant increases in the number of recorded deaths. The methodology adopted in this work is simple to apply, feasible to be used by information system managers.


Mortality; cancer; elderly; States of the Northeast; quality of data.


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Carvalho, JB, Paes NA. Corrected cancer mortality rates for the elderly in the states of the Brazilian Northeast.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Apr). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/corrected-cancer-mortality-rates-for-the-elderly-in-the-states-of-the-brazilian-northeast/16722?id=16722

