0041/2022 - COVID-19 in working-class neighborhoods of two cities in Argentina
COVID-19 en los barrios populares de dos ciudades argentinas


• Andrea Mastrangelo - Mastrangelo, A. - <andreaveronicamastrangelo@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2844-6883


• Silvia Hirsch - Hirsch, S. - <shirsch5@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6086-085X
• Flavia Demonte - Demonte, F. - <flaviademonte@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3786-2635


This article presents a synchronic analysis of the diseases that were present during the emergence of COVID-19, the management and impact of lockdown; and analyses how the media narrated these phenomena in working-class neighborhoods of the Metropolitan area of Buenos Aires and Gran Resistencia, between March and November 2020. Quantitative methods were used on secondary sources to describe poverty and syndemics, and we conducted ethnographic and media research week by week on 38 neighborhoods with shortages of water and critical overcrowding. As results, COVID-19 syndemically emerged with dengue, measles and tuberculosis and the isolation measures increase the institutional and gender violence, the Werther effect and the neglect of other illnesses. Ethnography reveals syndemics with non-communicable diseases and the effects of structural violence on health. The analysis of the media shows interest in the neighborhoods associated with the fear of contagiousness, but once this is dispelled, they disappearthe media agenda.


Coronavirus Infections; Anthropology; Social Inequity; Media


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