0948/2009 - Culture and health serviçes: studying the participation of culture traits of Brazilian society in the work process of primary health care services
Cultura e instituições de saúde: estudando a participação de traços culturais da sociedade brasileira no processo de trabalho de serviços de atenção básica
• Alessandra Maria Silva Pinto - Pinto, AMS - Rio de Janeiro - Departamento de Saúde da Família/SEMUS-Nova Iguaçu - <alessandramsp@yahoo.com.br>ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0814-125X
Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
The analysis of institutions is a widely researched area of health. The culture of organizations is understood as a symbolic possibility contained in a larger dimension, called "national culture". This reasoning justifies the incorporation of social anthropological approach to studying organizational culture. This study aimed to knows the perceptions of employees of two primary health care services of Niterói/RJ about strategies of social navigation commonly used - from the theory developed by Roberto DaMatta. The results showed the relational character associated with the stereotype of the Brazilian people manifested by conflicts arising from the existence of values based on ‘individual‘ and ‘person‘. Among them are the distortions observed between discourse and practice, and the mobilization strategies of social navigation – like "jeitinho" - with aim of establishing a mediation between the person and the impersonal law. The organization of the services of the Programa Médico de Família de Niterói apparently requires its employees the concrete challenge of balance equality principle that substantiate the SUS with the set of values that are based the personal relations in Brazilian society.Keywords: culture; organizational culture; social navigation; “jeitinho”; relational society; primary health care service.