0159/2019 - Desenvolvimento da identidade bisexual.
Development of Bisexual Identity.


• Juan Pablo Perera Gómez - Gómez, J.P.P - <juanpabloperera20@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4149-7266


• Ysamary Arenas - Arenas, Y - <iarenas@unimet.edu.ve>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3991-1368


Bisexuality is the sexual, romantic, emotional and physical attraction that a person experiments for both of the biological sexes (men and women). Since the Venezuelan society is built under a heteronormative paradigm sometimes is considered that those sexualities, that drift apartthe social reality, are not comprehended thus generating a reject. Therefore, we conducted a study that was titled “Construction of Bisexual Identity in Venezuelan Adults: ‘It is Not a transition, I Just Simply Am Like That’” that had as a general objective the understanding of the bisexual identity in Venezuelan adults. This article contemplates one dimension of this major project degree. In-depths interviews were carried out to willing participants and the obtained data were analyzed with the constant comparative method following an emerging design. Among the results four major categories were described, however, in this article we will be only focusing on the development of the bisexual identity.


Bisexuality, bisexual identity, experiences, construction of meanings, qualitative research


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