0348/2006 - Discourse of the collective subject, complexity and self organization
Discurso do sujeito coletivo, complexidade e auto organização


• Fernando Lefevre - Lefevre, F - São Paulo, São Paulo - Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP - <flefevre@usp.br>

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado



The aim of the current work is to discuss some consequences of the method called “Discourse of the Collective Subject” concerning the semantic density of the qualitative data, that reveals a significant and most relevant presence of the collective thought as empirical reality in qualitative researches. Such a presence of the empirical material, associated to the understanding of the collective thought as referent, allows a dialogue of the descriptive and interpretative moment in this variety of research. This in turn alludes to a new possibility that points out to the uncertain and unexpected and contribute to a renewed understanding of the nature and of processes of the social representations as complex realities.
KEY WORDS :Discourse of the Collective Subject; Complexity, Collective Thought; Self Organisation


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