0186/2018 - Discourses about health demands of Young offenders who are imprisoned in juvenile correctional centers in Rio de Janeiro.
Discursos sobre as demandas de saúde mental de jovens cumprindo medida de internação no Rio de Janeiro.


• Débora Stephanie Ribeiro - Ribeiro, DS - <debora.seds@gmail.com>


• Fernanda Mendes Lages Ribeiro - Ribeiro, F.M.L. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - <fefe.mendeslr@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3766-9758
• Suely Ferreira Deslandes - Deslandes, S.F. - <deslandes.s@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7062-3604


This article aims to analyze the discursive conceptions of what is considered mental health demand of the young offenders who are imprisoned in juvenile correctional centers in Rio de Janeiro. Nine interviews were conducted with the mental health professionals of these centers and the results were discussed with the support of Fairclough\'s critical discourse analysis. Four discursive groups were identified: the first presents intertextuality with the psychiatric discourse, the second with the Psychiatric Reform, the third with the discourse of social determinants, and the fourth with institutional discourses about adolescents’ \"bad\" behavior. It is concluded that the conceptions are different between the professionals, but there is no hegemony of one discourse. The speeches are related and connected especially in the problematization of social determinants. There is an emphasis in health professionals and social workers as vocalizers of demands. Adolescents have little chance of directly exposing their needs and the demands appear trough the workers. Conflicts between the workers were identified concerning the \"bad behavior\" demands, because some of the them are not related to mental health issues.


mental health; Adolescent, Institutionalized; Health of Institutionalized Adolescents


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Ribeiro, DS, Ribeiro, F.M.L., Deslandes, S.F.. Discourses about health demands of Young offenders who are imprisoned in juvenile correctional centers in Rio de Janeiro.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Apr). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/discourses-about-health-demands-of-young-offenders-who-are-imprisoned-in-juvenile-correctional-centers-in-rio-de-janeiro/16719?id=16719&id=16719

