0330/2018 - Dissidents sexualities: a look at identity narratives and lifestyle in the cyberspace
Sexualidades dissidentes: Um olhar sobre narrativas identitárias e estilo de vida no ciberespaço.


• Vera Lucia Marques da Silva - Silva, V. L. M - <vera.marques@fiocruz.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2595-2679


The BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Domination, Submission, Sadism, Masochism) subculture is organized around of dissidents erotic practices based on consent. Its adepts defend identities and a singular lifestyle. From a netetnography, this study aims to learn how BDSM adherents present themselvesthe point of view of identity in cyberspace. In this sense, blogs and sites related to BDSM have been observed as well as social networking. Added to this material are interviews of followers in other media. Techniques of Saturation Sampling and Discourse Analysis were applied. By eroticizing power, they construct erotic games based on hierarchies, one individual occupies the role of domination and the other of submission. However, beyond a mere sexual role, the adepts argue that both domination and submission are part of their own nature, revealing an essentializing and instituting discourse, which they claim to be a sexual orientation. From specific scenarios, dress and sexual paraphernalia, their practitioners re-signify social traumas, particularly those involving gender oppression. In spite of the stigma that marks the subjects involved, their narratives echosome of the pillars of contemporary subjectivity, such as valuation of experience, of self-developmente, ando f maximizing pleasure.


eroticism, sexuality, BDSM.


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Silva, V. L. M. Dissidents sexualities: a look at identity narratives and lifestyle in the cyberspace. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Jul). [Citado em 19/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/dissidents-sexualities-a-look-at-identity-narratives-and-lifestyle-in-the-cyberspace/16863?id=16863

