0066/2016 - DONATE OR NOT DONATE, THAT’S THE QUESTION: the critical factors of blood donation analysis
Doar ou não doar, eis a questão: Uma análise dos fatores críticos da doação de sangue.


• Jefferson Rodrigues Pereira - Pereira, Jefferson Rodrigues - Faculdade Novos Horizontes, Mestrado - <jeffersonrodrigues@live.com> +


• Caissa Veloso e Souza - Sousa, Caissa Veloso e - Faculdade Novos Horizontes, Mestrado - <caissaveloso@yahoo.com.br>
• Eliane Bragança de Matos - Matos, Eliane Bragança de - Faculdade Novos Horizontes, Administração - <elianebraganca@gmail.com>
• Leonardo Benedito Oliveira Rezende - Rezende, Leonardo Benedito Oliveira - Faculdade Novos Horizontes, Mestrado - <leorezende100@gmail.com>
• Natália Xavier Bueno - Bueno, Natália Xavier - Faculdade Novos Horizontes, Mestrado - <nataliaxb@yahoo.com.br>
• Álvaro Machado Dias - Dias, A.M e Ornelas, C.O. - São Paulo, SP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Laboratório de Neurociência Clínica - <alvaromd@usp.br>

Thematic Area:

Ciências Sociais


Currently, in Brazil, 1,78% of the population is blood donor, a level lower than the ideal one that, according to WHO, it must be between 3% and 5% of the population. Following this scenario, the current study has a general goal to identify and analyze the main critical factors of the process of blood donation in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, under the perception of the donors, potential donors and not donors. It was concluded a qualitative approach research, through twenty-four semi structured interviews. The results highlight the lack of information in the various stages of the blood donation system. On the steps of raising and donor awareness, communication actions convey to society incomplete information about the donation process, discouraging future donation processes. On the other hand no valuation of the donation experience and building social value associated with the donor prevent the multiplication of social behavior donation. The results of this study, found from theoretical framework, highlight the causes or critical factors impediment to change behavior, incremental or radical, proposed by social marketing.


BloodSocial MarketingMultiphase Screening


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Pereira, Jefferson Rodrigues, Sousa, Caissa Veloso e, Matos, Eliane Bragança de, Rezende, Leonardo Benedito Oliveira, Bueno, Natália Xavier, Dias, A.M e Ornelas, C.O.. DONATE OR NOT DONATE, THAT’S THE QUESTION: the critical factors of blood donation analysis. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Feb). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/donate-or-not-donate-thats-the-question-the-critical-factors-of-blood-donation-analysis/15488?id=15488&id=15488

