0313/2018 - Doxa da rehabilitação e o julgamento professional. Uma análise da violência simbólica na provisão de cuidados em saúde no sistema prisional escocês
Rehabilitation doxa and practitioner judgment. An analysis of symbolic violence on health care provision in the Scottish prison system


• Fernando Lannes Fernandes - Fernandes, F. L. - <f.l.fernandes@dundee.ac.uk>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4377-4597


• Ann Swinney - Swinney, A - <a.z.Swinney@dundee.ac.uk>
• Scott McMillan - McMillan, S - <s.x.mcmillan@dundee.ac.uk>
• Dean MacLeay - MacLeay, D - <d.macleay@dundee.ac.uk>
• John McGhee - McGhee, J - <j.z.mcghee@dundee.ac.uk>
• William Graham - Graham, W - <w.graham@abertay.ac.uk>
• Gary Roberts - Roberts, G - <g.w.z.roberts@dundee.ac.uk>


This paper presents an analysis of the symbolic conditions which govern health care provision in the Scottish prison system. The paper considers the wider context of Scottish prisons, health care provision follows a similar structure both in juvenile and adult prisons. Our intention is to provoke a debate about the doxa (Bourdieu, 1977), which underlies decision making in respect of health care in prison, in a political environment pragmatism, allied to the ‘pathologisation’ of social policies, health and criminal justice has been a hegemonic force.


Bourdieu, doxa, symbolic violence, prison, Scotland


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Fernandes, F. L., Swinney, A, McMillan, S, MacLeay, D, McGhee, J, Graham, W, Roberts, G. Doxa da rehabilitação e o julgamento professional. Uma análise da violência simbólica na provisão de cuidados em saúde no sistema prisional escocês. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Jun). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/doxa-da-rehabilitacao-e-o-julgamento-professional-uma-analise-da-violencia-simbolica-na-provisao-de-cuidados-em-saude-no-sistema-prisional-escoces/16846?id=16846

