0680/2008 - Education on Biosafety and Bioethics: articulation necessary in Biotechnology
Educação em Biossegurança e Bioética: articulação necessária em Biotecnologia
• Marcos De Bonis - De Bonis, M. - Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Microbiologia da UFRJ - <marcosdebonis@yahoo.com.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
The Science Education has been discussed in some follow society and international organizations have encouraged nations to invest in this area as strategic. In that context, education in bioethics and biosafety explores a rich content on prevention, standards and ethical principles which serve to guide the paths trilhados by biotechnology. The recovery of Bioethics and Biosafety as part of an educational policy scientific, effective and consistent, can stimulate the formation of individuals with a scientific and citizen awareness, in a position to participate in issues of ethical and technological produced by biotechnology.Key words: Science Education, Biosafety, Bioethics, Biotechnology