0659/2012 - Environmental Governance And Green Economy
• Pedro Roberto Jacobi - Jacobi PR - São Paulo, SP - USP - <prjacobi@usp.br> +Co-author(s):
• Paulo Antonio de Almeida Sinisgalli - Sinisgalli PAA - Universidade de São Paulo - <psinisgalli@usp.br>Thematic Area:
Saúde e AmbienteAbstract:
The Rio + 20 Conference mobilizes the global community in 2012 to participate of a challenging debate on the global environmental situation and the existing modus operandi as to the broad and generic thematic on development and environment. One of the themes of this meeting is structural transition to a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.The Global Environmental Governance is also one of the important aspects related to the Rio +20, in order to promote the transition to sustainable societies. As considering the fact that often it presents, in a controversial way, the conditions to define new institutional spaces and shared decision making processes, as the decisions taken by few have created a perverse logic of appropriation.
The article proposes to its readers a reflection in which before the discussion about what king of sustainability is related to Green Economy, ant its applicability, and a discussion on environmental governance should be stressed. This can be explained by the fact that there is a need to change the existing mechanisms of resources exploitation, profoundly unequal, as decisions of few created a perverse logic of appropriation of natural resources and the non resolution of social exclusion.