0434/2013 - Ethnographic approaches to mental health research and intervention
Abordagem etnográfica na pesquisa e intervenção em saúde mental


• Mônica de Oliveira Nunes de Torrenté - NUNES, M.O. - Salvador, BA - Universidade Federal da Bahia - <monicatorrente11@gmail.com> +


• Maurice de Torrenté - Torrenté, M. - Instituto de Saúde Coletiva - UFBA - <mdetorrente@hotmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8804-4961

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Não Categorizado


In this article, we look at some characteristics of ethnographic approaches in mental health research, highlighting the motives for which the type of knowledge produced by ethnography is relevant to the context of Psychiatric Reform and biomedicalization of existence. We focus our discussion on interpretation-based ethnography in the field of mental health, stressing the theoretic-methodological foundations of a comprehensive mode of apprehending mental health as an object alike to a clinics of the subject. We point to the centrality of the social/cultural in the ethnographic approach and to the inflexions mediated by the very character of ethnography‘s methodological enterprise. Finally, we select the ethnography of madness as a fitting example that substantiates some of these characteristics. We argue that accessing psychotic persons (and others that may speak about these experiences) from varied spaces of their everyday life, situated in relation to their various social inscriptions, and – at the same time – confronting these interpretations with other interpretative dimensions of their social reality and within the logics affected by local psychologies is a pertinent way of proceeding, from which certain aspects of an understanding of madness (or causes of its incomprehension) can emerge.


Ethnography Mental health Psychosis Methodology Interpretative anthropology


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