0053/2014 - (factors related to the performance of specialized dental care centers
fatores relacionados ao desempenho de centros de especialidades odontológicas
• Flávia Christiane de Azevedo Machado - Machado, FCA - Natal., Rio Grande do Norte - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte - <flavitamachado@yahoo.com.br>Co-author(s):
• Janmille Valdevino Silva - Silva, Janmille Valdevino - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte - < flavitamachado@yahoo.com.br>• Maria Ângela Fernandes - Fernandes,Maria Ângela - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Odontologia Natal - <flavitamachado@yahoo.com.br>
Thematic Area:
Saúde BucalAbstract:
The Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCC) havethemissiontoexpandaccesstopublic dental careofmediumcomplexityandsupporttheprimaryhealthcareactions in thiscomplexitylevel.However, it isnecessarytoensurethequalityofservices, andwithinthatintention, it isnecessarytocontinuouslyevaluatetheseservicestoidentifyweaknessesandstrengthsthatsupportthe processes ofleadership/ management. Nevertheless, thereis a dearthofstudiesontheassessmentof oral health in thespecializedcarethatmayindicatewhichfactorsshouldbeinvestigated. Therefore, thisintegrativeliteraturereviewaimedto explore the panorama ofpublicationsontheevaluationofSDCC at LILACS and MEDLINE in October 2013 toidentifyfactorspossiblyrelatedtothe performance ofsuchhealthservices. Thus, 13 referenceswereincluded in thisreview. Theyindicatedthatformsoforganizationand management ofwork processes relatedtothebuiltof a healthcare networks (operationofregulation centersandconstitutionofhealth consortium), as well as thecontextual characteristicsoftheplaceswhere SDCC are located (populationsize, Family Health Strategycoverage, Municipal HumanDevelopment Index,governance, governingcapacity)werefactorsthatinfluencedonSDCC´sperformance.Secondary Care; Oral Health; Health Evaluation; Health Services Evaluation.