0321/2019 - Family and Community Medicine in Uruguay1997 to 2019: How many kilometers will it take to reach that town?
La Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria en Uruguay de 1997 a 2019: ¿cuántos kilómetros faltarán para llegar al pueblo aquel?
• Jacqueline Ponzo - Ponzo, J. - <ponzo4@gmail.com>ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8329-7430
The Family and Community Medicine Residency began in Uruguay in 1997. Through a self-managed process, the first generations were molded into a training that integrated hospital knowledge and experience together with territorial praxis in a community health service. The academic recognition of the specialty and the installation of the institutional areas for its management were conquests parallel to that process in the first decade.The second decade was characterized by the territorial expansion in the country, the start the Teaching-Care Units, the decentralization of the University and the active participation of Family and Community Medicine in Health Reform and the country´s rights agenda.
The third decade begin with a crisis of the specialty due to the sustained fall in the aspiration for residence. Some hypothesis and reflections are presented. Is proposed the possibility of are facing a deeper crisis, not limited to Family and Community Medicine, and the need to find the keys to a 21st century Medicine that allows us to reach the principles of Alma Ata, always valid.