0285/2007 - Family Health and palliative care: listening the relatives of Technology Dependent Children
Saúde da família e cuidados paliativos infantis: ouvindo os familiares de Crianças Dependentes de Tecnologia
• Claudia Azevedo Ferreira Guimarães Rabello - Rabello, CAFG - Rio de Janeiro, Rio de janeiro - Instituto nacional de Câncer - <claudiaafgrabell@terra.com.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
This study discusses the creation of a new child palliative care program based on the Saúde da Família (Family Health Program), considering the level of care at home and yielding to family requests. The study focused eighteen members of nine families of Technology Dependent Children (TDC) who were hospital patients in the Instituto Fernandes Figueira (IFF): four who are being assisted by its palliative care program Programa de Assistência Domiciliar Interdisciplinar (PADI); three who were inpatients waiting for inclusion in the Program, and finally two inpatients already included in PADI. PADI was chosen because it is the only child palliative care program in Brazil. The results are positive in regards to the connection established between the families and the health care team, the reception of the children, the explanation to the family concerning the disease, and the functional dynamics between the PADI and the IFF. As negative points, difficults arose as a result of the implementation of the program, from its continuity to the worsening or illness of the entire family. In conclusion, although the PADI is the IFF’s way of discharging patients, the domiciliary cares taken by the Family Health Program, well articulated with the healthcare system, would be ideal for being the adequate assistance for such.Key words: Palliative Care; Home care; Family Health.