0345/2016 - FATHERHOOD: Experiences of boy´s fathers diagnosed with DUCHENNE muscular dystrophy.
Paternidade: Vivências de pais de meninos diagnosticados com distrofia muscular de DUCHENNE.


• Eucia Beatriz Petean - Petean, Eucia Beatriz - Universidade de Sao Paulo Campus de Ribeirao Preto, Psicologia - <ebpetean@gmail.com> +


• Silvana de Lucca - de Lucca, Silvana - consultório particular - <silvana.lucca@gmail.com>

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado


This study aimed to understand the experience of fatherhood in fathers of boys diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Participants were eight fathers whose children, aged ten years and over, had been diagnosed with DMD, living in RibeirãoPreto and surrounding cities. Interviews were conducted using a semi-structured script and analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results show that the news of the confirmation of the DMD diagnosis triggered a reaction of shock, coexisting with feelings of sadness. helplessness and hopelessness. Denial was the psychic defense most used by them and the majority of the fathers considered the illness of the child a mission sentGod, thereby decreasing the pain and anguish caused by the illness. The exercise of fatherhood was shown to be more participatory. From the perception of the disease symptoms, the fathers experienced many losses that exposed them to great suffering and triggered the process of anticipatory mourning. The fathers attributed the meaning of a mission to be fulfilled to the fatherhood and the meaning of “special fatherhood” positively influenced the adaptation to the disease. To know and comprehend how fathers experience fatherhood in the presence of a chronic disease/disability is fundamental to be able to establish psychological counseling and care programs for the fathers and the entire family.


FatherhoodDuchenne Muscular DystrophyChronic DiseaseMourning


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Petean, Eucia Beatriz, de Lucca, Silvana. FATHERHOOD: Experiences of boy´s fathers diagnosed with DUCHENNE muscular dystrophy.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Jul). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/fatherhood-experiences-of-boys-fathers-diagnosed-with-duchenne-muscular-dystrophy/15771?id=15771&id=15771

