0489/2009 - Feeding strategies of mothers of malnourished and eutrophics children: qualitative study through video taped observations
Estratégias Alimentares de Mães de Crianças Desnutridas e Eutróficas: estudo qualitativo mediante observação gravada em vídeo
• Gimol Benzaquen Perosa - Perosa,GB - Botucatu, São Paulo - Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-UNESP - <gimol@fmb.unesp.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
AbstractThe aim of this study was to identify and compare maternal feeding strategies and characteristics of the interactions between mothers of malnourished and eutrophic children. Eight pairs of mother/malnourished child and eight pairs of mother/eutrophic child, from 9 to 24 months, living in poor inner areas, were video recorded during meals, at home.Through analysis of the videos, the strategies were identified and episodes qualitatively analyzed, according to the peculiar characteristics of the interaction, especially maternal responsivity.There were no significant differences in strategies used by the mothers of both groups. The observations of the episodes have shown that to feed a child is a highly interactive process, dependent upon the abilities and characteristics of both partners. The success of feeding seemed associated to contextual conditions, maternal responsivity and also to the appetite and flexibility of the child. It is suggested that, in projects directed to malnourished children, besides supplements and feeding orientations, special attention be given to the maternal self esteem and in helping mothers to deal with the child loss of appetite.
Key words: child malnutrition; mother-child interaction; maternal responsivity.