0138/2016 - For a Global Agenda on Post Millennium Development Goal
Por uma agenda global pós Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio


• Álvaro H. Matida - Matida, Álvaro H. - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - <almatida@fiocruz.br>

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In recent years Brazil channeled efforts around the global agenda for the health of people. In October 2011, with support of the Brazilian Government, the World Health Organization held, in Rio de Janeiro, the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health. This process of debate and exchange of global experiences widened and, in June 2012 was held, also in Rio de Janeiro, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. After these discussions, urge the implementation of global public policies that, through an extensive process of capacity building, translate these commitments of heads of states, from all over the world, into policies that act on social determinants of health, dealing with inequities.


Global Health Sustainable development International cooperation


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