0033/2019 - Fragility in the Elderly in Primary Health Care: an approach based on geoprocessing.
Fragilidade em idosos na Atenção Primária à Saúde: uma abordagem a partir do geoprocessamento.


• Fabiana Ferraz Queiroga Freitas - FREITAS, F. F. Q. - <fabianafqf@hotmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7374-1588


• Alexsandra Bezerra Rocha - Rocha, AB - <alexsandrarocha2@hotmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4814-0999
• Ana Clara Mourão Moura - Moura, ACM - <anaclaramoura@yahoo.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6823-1938
• Sônia Maria Soares - Soares, SM - <smsoares.bhz@terra.com.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3161-717X


The objective was to analyze the spatial distribution of fragility in the elderly in the primary health care, spatially identifying areas with concentration of the elderly, comparing the demand for care. An analytical study that used spatial analysis with frail or fragile elderly enrolled in Primary Health Care, distributed in 32 census tracts. For geolocation, we used Google Earth Pro software and \"C7 GPS Data app\", to elaborate the thematic and cadastral maps Qgis 2.16. 43% of the elderly were classified as being at risk of embryonic dysfunction, with 79.5% female, with a mean age of 75 years. The organization of the services presented an unequal distribution of the units in the territory, with the three health care scenarios present or not in some sectors, and the concentration of the elderly services were difficult to access. The spatial analysis pointed out the distribution and concentration areas of the fragility, favoring the comparison of social vulnerability with the potential of health services, supporting planning actions and management of distribution of units or projects to visit those in need. Thus, geoinformation tools are potential for strengthening access to health services and better living conditions for the elderly.


Spatial Analysis, Frail Elderly, Primary Health Care


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FREITAS, F. F. Q., Rocha, AB, Moura, ACM, Soares, SM. Fragility in the Elderly in Primary Health Care: an approach based on geoprocessing.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/Feb). [Citado em 07/03/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/fragility-in-the-elderly-in-primary-health-care-an-approach-based-on-geoprocessing/17107?id=17107&id=17107

