0278/2012 - Functional abilities of children with disabilities: barriers preventing effective inclusion at school
Habilidades funcionais de crianças com deficiências em inclusão escolar – barreiras para uma inclusão efetiva
• Fernanda Moreira Teles - Teles, F.M - São Paulo, SP - Unifesp - <fernandamteles@ig.com.br>Co-author(s):
• Rosa Resegue - Resegue, R - Unifesp - <rresegue@uol.com.br>• Rosana Fiorini Puccini - Puccini, R.F. - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - <rosanapuccini@gmail.com>
Thematic Area:
Saúde da Criança e do AdolescenteAbstract:
AbstractFunctional abilities of children with disabilities in school inclusion - barriers to an effective inclusion
Objective: Describe the disabilities of students in the process of inclusion through PEDI – Pediatric Evaluation of Disability inventory. Method: Cross sectional analysis. Population: 181 students (7-10 years old) from 31 public schools in São Paulo. Through a questionnaire applied to the caregiver, 197 activities were evaluated in the areas of self-care, mobility and social function. Results: Differences (p <0.05) in students’ performance, according to the PEDI, were observed between grades in the scales of self-care (average of 77.8% in the 1st grade and 95.2% in the 4th grade) and mobility (average of 90.0% in the 1st grade and 99.8% in the 4th grade), social function had the lowest averages, except for those with physical disabilities, in which the most affected area was mobility (average of 62.7 %). Conclusions: The PEDI has allowed the identification of disabilities by group and individual disability, which may constitute an important tool for targeted intervention and follow-up at school.